Saturday, April 15, 2006

Leong's Dream

2-3 nights ago, Leong dreamt of a giant worm, a grub. Apparently , our star was playing soccer in make-belief land. He kicked the ball into a nearby pipe containing shit. The pipe started to break, and there, shit started to ooze out of the pipe. Soon enough, the pipe expanded and there, in front of him stood a 5-storey high monster made of shit! It was reported that the so-called monster shit gloop was a transformer of some sort and looked like a Volvo truck. He can't remembers what happens after. Hahahahahahahaha.

I, of course, found it amusing. What's more funny is that there is no conclusion to what I've just wrote, as our star himself is rather shy to add anything more. Random thougths from Leong.... just a sneak preview into the beautiful mind of Leong, for all you die hard Leonganatics.

Stay tuned as we'll be delving into the profile of Leong! To let you people know more intimately about Leong... muhaha.


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