Lose Weight, Mr Leong!
Leong is currently hanging at 78kg. He needs to lose weight! Bad news people! Once he reaches 80kg, Leong will have to CEASE eating! Without food, Leong can go longer go on entertaining you folks! SO SAVE HIM AGAIN! (yes, this is some reality game show we're playing - THE BIGGEST LOSER (singapore edition))
You can do any of the following to help:-
1) If your in the physical fitness, gym, slimming & dieting industry, you may want to do your part and save him. Leong will endorse your brand in kindness.
2) Every 10 cents donated to the charity of your choice, he will run 1km, thus losing weight.
3) Everytime you spot Leong taking a snack, offer to eat it up for him. Free autograph with every gobble of his snack.
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